Men. Who TF asked you anyway?

Men. Who TF asked you anyway?

Im backkkkk! I’ve not posted a blog post in a while and lord how I’ve missed it!

So imagine this, the other night I was out with friends just enjoying myself and letting my hair down. We were walking back to our taxi when a grown man stopped me to comment on my appearance?! Whether he was drunk, ignorant or just stupid it definitely wasn’t okay and it just made me question WTF is up with men, and when did we ask them for their opinions? Continue reading “Men. Who TF asked you anyway?”

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – Eating Disorders affect all kinds of bodies

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – Eating Disorders affect all kinds of bodies

So this week its eating disorder awareness week. It’s an international event that helps to address the misconceptions of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and ENDOS. Eating disorders can be seriously damaging to a persons physical and mental health. By raising awareness it not only stops misconceptions but gives those who struggle with food some support. It raises awareness of what to do and what services are out there that people can reach out to find support.

I know what you’re thinking, why would a fatty be talking about eating disorders? Surely she’s just making excuses for a poor diet? Well actually its a common misconception that those who suffer from eating disorders are just thin, when actually around 50% of people that suffer from eating disorders actually suffer from binge eating or ENDOS. Continue reading “Eating Disorder Awareness Week – Eating Disorders affect all kinds of bodies”

A new job means… Shopping! My office appropriate wardrobe

A new job means… Shopping! My office appropriate wardrobe

So you guys I recently landed myself a new job! (Yay me!) I’m super excited to start on my new journey and I’m really eager to see what’s in store. But of course one of the first thoughts after finding out I got the job was ‘OMG what will I wear?!’, followed by a trawl of the internet for office appropriate clothes.  Continue reading “A new job means… Shopping! My office appropriate wardrobe”

Seven Acts of Self-Love for Valentines Day 

Seven Acts of Self-Love for Valentines Day 

This Valentines Day I wanted to spread the love and what better way to do this than by spreading the self-love message. In true RuPaul fashion, ‘if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else’.

So for the next 7 days leading up to Valentines Day I’m sharing 7 acts of self-love (one a day) to encourage you to proactively do the same! I’ll be sharing these on my Instagram page @chloeepeach and using the hashtag #sevenactsofselflove so you can share with me how you partake in self-love this Valentines Day. Gone are the days of Valentines just being about couples and relationships! So get involved!

Continue reading “Seven Acts of Self-Love for Valentines Day “

A new year doesn’t necessarily bring a new you

A new year doesn’t necessarily bring a new you

Happy New Year! Let’s hope 2019 is kind to you! 

The excitement of a new year for a lot of people means the chance of a fresh start, the end of an era and the start of a new one. We often get caught up in all the madness of a New Year that we believe we can simply change the person we are just by writing down a simple to do list of resolutions, but in reality New Year is just another day, and just like any other day you have to work for the things you want in life.

Continue reading “A new year doesn’t necessarily bring a new you”

Dumplin – My honest review and what it’s really like being the fat girl

Dumplin – My honest review and what it’s really like being the fat girl

Netflix have created an original film called Dumplin and it’s causing a stir. The film tells the story of Willowdean a plus-size teen who grows up in a small Texan town. Will is immersed into pageant culture, her mum is an ex-pageant queen, but Will doesn’t want to partake as it’s not her style. Her aunt teaches her to love herself and is a really positive role model. Just like any other teen Willowdean has normal problems with relationships, friends, death and love. The films core message is that Willowdean is more than just fat.

I do wonder, however wonderful Dumplin is, whether Netflix created this film as a PR stunt after they received negative backlash earlier this year over its series Insatiable. A series whereby a girl is taunted for being overweight and she takes revenge on her bullies by losing weight; a promotion of the diet culture. However, Dumplin although a possible PR stunt is a very tasteful feel good film about a normal girl that just so happens to be plus size. Continue reading “Dumplin – My honest review and what it’s really like being the fat girl”

My Plus Size Party Packed Ibiza Trip

My Plus Size Party Packed Ibiza Trip

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. So it’s been a busy couple of weeks for me with work and on top of that I lost my laptop charger (my laptop has all my content on, seriously need a backup copy).  So anyways that’s the reason I’ve been MIA and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to post all about my Ibiza trip, which if you were following my Instagram, you would’ve seen some photos from my trip already.

So I’ve been to Ibiza before and therefore had some idea of what to expect, but I went with my boyfriend before and we did a few nights out but nothing heavy. Whereas this time we did it properly, all of the big clubs (well most of them) and beach parties. I really did have the best time. I went with two girls from college and my bestie.

Continue reading “My Plus Size Party Packed Ibiza Trip”

How to REALLY be beach body ready

How to REALLY be beach body ready

Welcome back lovelies. So it’s that time of year again where we get bombarded with all the new and interesting ways to lose weight quickly, in order to be ‘beach body ready’. But do we really need to punish ourselves year in year out for not looking like celebs in magazines? Heck to the no!

Continue reading “How to REALLY be beach body ready”

Paris: A Plus Size Proposal

Paris: A Plus Size Proposal

Welcome back you guys! Some of you may already know I went to Paris the weekend before last and my boyfriend of 7 years proposed to me!

So if you read my last post – Things to pack for a plus size city break then you’ll already know I was going to Paris. But something special happened when we were there, I got engaged! And this is my story.

Continue reading “Paris: A Plus Size Proposal”